Newsgroups: comp.compression From: (Gordon V. Cormack) Subject: [News] Re: FAQ clarification - Arithmetic Coding Source Posted Message-ID: Organization: University of Waterloo Date: Sat, 20 Feb 93 16:06:36 GMT In article <>, (Stanley Archer Mcclellan) writes: > > ... questions about arithmetic coding Arithmetic coding is probably easier to demonstrate than to explain. The following implementation is based on Guazzo's description. Most others are based on Rissannen's (which is paraphrased in the FAQ). I apologize for posting source in this newsgroup. The programs are 171 lines of code, and may be of interest to the reader, not just to the implementor. Gordon V. Cormack CS Dept, University of Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1 ----------------------------- /* Guazzo Coding Implementation - Compression version 0.0.0 Copyright Feb. 1993 Gordon V. Cormack Feb. 1993 University of Waterloo All rights reserved. This code and the algorithms herein are the property of Gordon V. Cormack. Neither the code nor any algorithm herein may be included in any software, device, or process which is sold, exchanged for profit, or for which a licence or royalty fee is charged. Permission is granted to use this code for educational, research, or commercial purposes, provided this notice is included, and provided this code is not used as described in the above paragraph. */ /* This code uses a one-byte finite state predictor to drive an arithmetic coder for data compression. It should give compression nearly identical to one-byte huffman coding. Find a better predictor, and you'll have a better compressor! It handles end-of-file properly, which requires more than 5 minutes thought. */ #include main(){ int max = 0x1000000, min = 0, mid, index, c, i, bytes = 0, obytes = 3; int bit; int one[256], zero[256]; for (i=0;i<256;i++) { one[i] = 1; zero[i] = 1; } for(;;){ c = getchar(); if (c == EOF) { min = max-1; fprintf(stderr,"compress done bytes in %d bytes out %d ratio %f\n", bytes,obytes, (float)obytes/bytes); break; } bytes++; for (i=0;i<8;i++){ bit = (c << i) & 0x80; index = (1<> (8-i)); mid = min + ((max-min-1)*((float)zero[index]) / (one[index]+zero[index])); if (mid == min) mid++; if (mid == (max-1)){ /* should never happen, but with floating pt? */ mid--; } if (bit) { min = mid; one[index]++; } else { max = mid; zero[index]++; } while ((max-min) < 256) { max--; putchar(min >> 16); obytes++; min = (min << 8) & 0xffff00; max = ((max << 8) & 0xffff00) ; if (min >= max) max = 0x1000000; } } } putchar(min>>16); putchar((min>>8) & 0xff); putchar(min & 0x00ff); } ------------------- /* Guazzo Coding Implementation - Expansion version 0.0.0 Copyright Feb. 1993 Gordon V. Cormack Feb. 1993 University of Waterloo All rights reserved. This code and the algorithms herein are the property of Gordon V. Cormack. Neither the code nor any algorithm herein may be included in any software, device, or process which is sold, exchanged for profit, or for which a licence or royalty fee is charged. Permission is granted to use this code for educational, research, or commercial purposes, provided this notice is included, and provided this code is not used as described in the above paragraph. */ #include main(){ int max = 0x1000000, min = 0, mid, val, index, i; int bit; char c; int one[256], zero[256]; for (i=0;i<256;i++){ one[i] = 1; zero[i] = 1; } val = getchar()<<16; val += getchar()<<8; val += getchar(); while(1) { c = 0; if (val == (max-1)) { fprintf(stderr,"expand done\n"); break; } for (i=0;i<8;i++){ index = (1<= mid) { bit = 1; min = mid; one[index]++; } else { bit = 0; max = mid; zero[index]++; } c = c + c + bit; while ((max-min) < 256) { max--; val = (val << 8) & 0xffff00 | (getchar()& 0xff); min = (min << 8) & 0xffff00; max = ((max << 8) & 0xffff00) ; if (min >= max) max = 0x1000000; } } putchar(c); } } --------------- -- Gordon V. Cormack CS Dept, University of Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1